Graduate Application Overview
Where to Apply
Filling out an Application
Applicant Portal
Checklist Items
- The Biology program requires official transcript with degree posted before eligible for department review.
- Official transcripts must be requested from your degree-granting institution and sent directly to WWU.
- Official transcripts can be sent to or:
ATTN: Graduate Studies
Walla Walla University
204 South College Avenue
College Place, WA 99324
- Official transcripts can be sent to or:
Admission Essay
- Admission essay instructions can be accessed through your applicant portal. Click on the material's hyperlink to access instructions.
- Click here for a PDF version of the Master of Biology essay instructions
- All recommendations must come from a professional source (academic or employment).
- Sources to avoid:
- Personal (family, pastors, friends)
- Outdated contacts (more than 3 years since interaction)
- Classmates
- If you have trouble editing, sending, or adding new recommendations, please reach out to
- Unofficial transcripts qualify for department review, but official transcripts are required before attending classes.
- Official transcripts must be requested from your degree-granting institution and sent directly to WWU.
- Official transcripts can be sent to or:
ATTN: Graduate Studies
Walla Walla University
204 South College Avenue
College Place, WA 99324
- Official transcripts can be sent to or:
Admission Essay
- Admission essay instructions can be accessed through your applicant portal. Click on material's hyperlink to access instructions.
- Click here for a PDF version of the Master of Business Administration essay instructions
- All recommendations must come from a professional source (academic or employment).
- Sources to avoid:
- Personal (family, pastors, friends)
- Outdated contacts (more than 3 years since interaction)
- Classmates
- If you have trouble editing, sending, or adding new recommendations, please reach out to
Video Introduction
- Submit a short video introducing yourself (maximum two minutes).
- Unofficial transcripts qualify for department review for both M.Ed. and M.I.T. programs. Official transcripts are required before attending classes.
- Official transcripts must be requested from your degree-granting institution and sent directly to WWU.
- Official transcripts can be sent to or:
ATTN: Graduate Studies
Walla Walla University
204 South College Avenue
College Place, WA 99324
- Official transcripts can be sent to or:
Admission Essay
- Admission essay instructions can be accessed through your applicant portal. Click on the material's hyperlink to access instructions.
- Click here for a PDF version of the Master of Education essay instructions
- All recommendations must come from a professional source (academic or employment).
- Sources to avoid:
- Personal (family, pastors, friends)
- Outdated contacts (more than 3 years since interaction)
- Classmates
- If you have trouble editing, sending, or adding new recommendations, please reach out to
- Unofficial transcripts qualify for department review, but official transcripts are required before attending classes.
- Official transcripts must be requested from your degree-granting institution and sent directly to WWU.
- Official transcripts can be sent to or:
ATTN: Graduate Studies
Walla Walla University
204 South College Avenue
College Place, WA 99324
- Official transcripts can be sent to or:
Admission Essay
- Admission essay instructions can be accessed through your applicant portal. Click on material's hyperlink to access instructions.
- Click here for a PDF version of the Master of Engineering essay instructions
- All recommendations must come from a professional source (academic or employment).
- Sources to avoid:
- Personal (family, pastors, friends)
- Outdated contacts (more than 3 years since interaction)
- Classmates
- If you have trouble editing, sending, or adding new recommendations, please reach out to
- Unofficial transcripts qualify for department review, but official transcripts are required before attending classes.
- Official transcripts must be requested from your degree-granting institution and sent directly to WWU.
- Official transcripts can be sent to or:
ATTN: Graduate Studies
Walla Walla University
204 South College Avenue
College Place, WA 99324
- Official transcripts can be sent to or:
Admission Essays
- Admission essay and MSW Social Problem Analysis instructions can be accessed through the applicant portal. Click on the material's hyperlink to access instructions.
- Submission should generally follow the APA 7th Edition Style Guidelines
- Click here to be redirected to the Owl Purdue APA 7th Edition Formatting and Style Guide web page
- Click here for a PDF version of the Master of Social Work essay instructions
- All recommendations must come from a professional source (academic or employment).
- It is ideal to to provide at least one academic recommendation and one employment recommendation.
- If you are unable to do so, please reach out to to discuss alternate options.
- MSW Advanced Standing applicants are required to submit a recommendation from their BSW Field Education Supervisor.
- Sources to avoid:
- Personal (family, pastors, friends)
- Outdated contacts (more than 3 years since interaction)
- Classmates
- If you have trouble editing, sending, or adding new recommendations, please reach out to
Background Check
- The three steps to background checks:
- Applicant submits background request via applicant portal and it goes to Criminal Information Services for processing
- 7-10 business after applicant's submission, Grad Studies receives the report
- Grad Studies uploads the report and it automatically gets marked as complete on applicant file checklist
- The DSW program requires official transcript with degree posted before eligible for department review.
- Official transcripts must be requested from your degree-granting institution and sent directly to WWU.
- Official transcripts can be sent to or:
ATTN: Graduate Studies
Walla Walla University
204 South College Avenue
College Place, WA 99324
- Official transcripts can be sent to or:
Admission Essay
- Admission essay instructions can be accessed through your applicant portal. Click on the material's hyperlink to access instructions.
- Click here for a PDF version of the Doctor of Social Work essay instructions
- All recommendations must come from a professional source (academic or employment).
- Sources to avoid:
- Personal (family, pastors, friends)
- Outdated contacts (more than 3 years since interaction)
- Classmates
- If you have trouble editing, sending, or adding new recommendations, please reach out to
Background Check
- The three steps to background checks:
- Applicant submits background request via applicant portal and it goes to Criminal Information Services for processing
- 7-10 business after applicant's submission, Grad Studies receives the report
- Grad Studies uploads the report and it automatically gets marked as complete on applicant file checklist
Graduate Decisions
Regular Acceptance
- Regular admission status is granted to students who meet all requirements of graduate programs at Walla Walla University and specific requirements of the department or school in which study is proposed.
Provisional Acceptance
- Provisional status is given to students who have graduated from an accredited college or university and do not meet one or more of the other requirements for regular admission, but who in the judgment of the department have shown evidence of their ability to pursue a graduate degree.
- The most common Provisional Acceptances are due to:
- GPA: The minimum requirement for an applicant's incoming cumulative GPA is 2.75 for most programs. If a student is granted Provisional Acceptance due to GPA, the student must obtain a GPA of 3.0 or above the first Quarter of study to continue in the program.
- Transcripts: Some departments will review applications before receiving an official transcript with bachelor's degree posted. If a student is granted Provisional Acceptance for not having submitted an official transcript, registration and enrollment are contingent upon receipt of an official transcript indicating a completed baccalaureate degree before the first quarter begins.
Financial Information
Financial Information for Graduate Students
Each Graduate Program has it's own unique set of finances. Click here to visit the Financial Information for Graduate Students page, choose the area of study that interests you and dig in for more information.
Contact us with your questions:
Financial Counselors
(800) 656-2815
(509) 527-2815
Student Loan Office
(800) 656-2333
(509) 527-2333